A completed challenge for the 

Men United in Song

supporting Prostate Cancer UK!

Reuniting in 2025!

FOUND ! 40 MEN !

Men United in Song – what happened?

Starting from scratch in March 2024, Men United in Song asked for 40 or so local men to rehearse over nine weeks for a charity concert supporting Prostate Cancer UK, planned to take place at Southwell Minster on Friday 10th May.  40 men rose to this big challenge, then over100 more!!

After some drop away many bravely committed to do something amazing – sing, with other men, in front of hundreds of people! In recognition of their determination, they found their friends and family will want to sponsor them for Prostate Cancer UK.

The aim was to raise £10,000 and they smashed the target.. and the increased one.. again and again !

Now they have raised over £50,000 by June 27th !

Please help them raise even more on the link on the next page.

A number of similar projects ran at the same time in different locations across the UK and – as well as our own charity event at Southwell Minster - we joined together  in a fantastic national project finale concert on Saturday 25th May in the Albert Hall Nottingham, which will also be supporting Prostate Cancer UK. 

It Sold Out.

Rehearsals ran from 7.00 pm to 9.00 pm on Monday evenings usually at the South Nottinghamshire Academy though the 18th March and some at Radcliffe Methodist Church.

Singers used a RESOURCES page for the full list of rehearsal dates and practice aids.

 CLICK HERE  for The Rose video, the first recording of the choir after just an hour's rehearsal.

CLICK HERE for a recording of a rehearsal of the same song with the RoTMVC and Cantamus Choir

CLICK HERE for the YouTube recordings.

CLICK HERE to see TV stars Andrew and Harry.

"What a night!" has been the cry from many who took part... 

“Wow, what a day that was - I still feel excited about it!!!

It was a truly brilliant evening, a reward for all the effort put in by everyone.

The music programme for the evening couldn't have been better.

I was delighted as the family came from Scotland, Sheffield and Nottingham for the occasion and were royally entertained.

Highlight came when my son - a musician, in describing his reaction to it all said " the dynamics were of the highest order" - well

done Kieran and Deborah; furthermore "if he hadn't known , he would have had difficulty in believing that this had been achieved in nine weeks ".

So thanks to the music team - Deborah , Kieran and Sue and our mentors.

Lastly thank you for providing me with a means of supporting PCuk and mostly for giving me a   thrill that will keep me glowing and singing forever.

 Rudi Lowry B1”

A further national project finale concert was at 7.00 pm on Saturday 25th May at the Albert Hall, Nottingham.

IT SOLD OUT as did yet another at St Nicholas', Nottingham.

Fast forward to October 2024 when several of the men have joined

Radcliffe on Trent Male Voice Choir..

Robert Oldroyd of the Nottingham Prostate Cancer Support Group visited Radcliffe on Trent to receive a ‘cheque’ for £60,000 to Prostate Cancer UK. 

Robert celebrated the amazing fundraising achieved by the Men United project and talked of his work in supporting research into the fast developing testing and treatment of prostate cancer, to which the money we raised will contribute. More about on their website: The choir are proud of being part of the wonderful group of men who achieved this wonderful outcome. See Photo Below.

December 2nd, 2025.

Several of the Men United In Song now with the Radcliffe on Trent Male Voice Choir recorded for the Jeremy Vine show. Unfortunately, the wifi around the Radcliffe church wouldn't support a Zoom interaction. An interview and a quick rendition of a verse of "Deck the Hall"was recorded and sent to the producers who used part along with previous footage from a previous concert.    

  WATCH HERE  Film courtesy of Richard Brown.

Congratulations if you were on this lifetime singing journey!

Want to continue with Radcliffe on Trent MVC?

Info HERE.    Joining form HERE.   

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